Posted: January 16, 2023
One of our economic development partners, One Okaloosa Economic Development Council, recently hosted their annual one-day technology, engineering and manufacturing expo, TeCMEN Industry Day, in Fort Walton Beach. This event is designed to offer robust and relevant content from industry leaders as well as foster networking opportunities to connect with existing or potential customers and highlight products and capabilities.
During this year’s TEcMEN Industry Day, a panel featured companies in manufacturing, defense contracting and medical technology sectors that recently located throughout Northwest Florida. PowerSouth Energy Cooperative’s Scarlett Phaneuf moderated the panel to engage the company executives about their experience of establishing a corporate footprint in the region.
The panelists included:
Michael Litton, CEO, American Metal Bearing
The company executives had a few common themes when asked about their decisions to locate in Northwest Florida. One executive spoke about the ample supply of skilled labor available in the area because of career certification programs and access to military veterans. Another spoke about the speed to market for their company by having project-ready industrial property. Lastly, all the panelists remarked that they believed the region’s exceptional quality of life could attract and retain talent needed for their future success.
TeCMEN Industry Day is held each year. For more information, please visit